About us
Back in 2014, unsatisfied with honey that was available in our current marketplace, we began a search to find honey that reminded us of our childhood. The kind of honey that came from a local farm and was all natural. We then set up a few hives and produced what we thought was a great tasting honey. We tried selling it at a local farmers market and found that people loved it as much as we did. Not having the property to really scale the operation we wanted, we partnered with other local apiaries.
Partnering with those apiaries gave us the opportunity to offer our customers more options. we now have over 30 different honey varietals from all across the United States and Central and South America.
Our Honey is being sold in many stores in NC, VA, NJ, and NY, and can now be purchased on this online store
Among some of our most popular products: Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Honey Dust.
Treat yourself to pure goodness. All you need is one simple ingredient HONEY!
All of our honey is Raw and Organic.